Filthy English

By Jonathan Meades

These short stories mark the start of a brilliant and black literary career.

A dog who stars in bestial pornographic movies describes the slippery slope towards aniseed addiction in ‘Fur and Skin’. ‘The Sylvan Life’ is a story of rustling, hallucinogenic mushrooms and incest as they proliferate in the New Forest. In ‘Spring and Fall’ a rich and childless woman offers a sybaritic young boy a clandestine family life which becomes his downfall. The most extraordinary circumstances combine to provide the perfect alibi for a homosexual ‘crime passionnel’ in ‘Oh So Bent’, ‘The Brute’s Price’ demonstrates the inadvertent steps an innocent man may take in bringing himself under suspicion of heinous murders on Portland. An injection of the criminal element into the pretensions of suburban Surrey provides the squalid drama of ‘Rhododendron Gulch’. In the title story a relentlessly pedantic urge of a lexicographer to discover why his surname is a slang word for ‘foot’ leads him to a nightmarish revelation.

Jonathan Meades has a black imagination. Not content with disarming his readers an outrageous premise, he continues to tease their curiosity from one end of each story to the other. His is the kind of originality that comes along rarely, his characters the sort who lurk and linger round the back alleys of the mind.

Format: Paperback
Release Date: 05 May 2003
Pages: 160
ISBN: 978-0-00-715643-6
Jonathan Meades is the author of Filthy English, Peter Knows What Dick Likes, Pompey and, most recently, The Fowler Family Business. He has written and performed in some twenty-five TV films on such subjects as the utopian avoidance of right angles, vertigo\'s lure, beer and Birmingham\'s appeal. He was, for many years, restaurant critic for The Times.

'One of the funniest and truest writers we have. No one understands England better than Meades.'Stephen Fry -

Praise for The Fowler Family Business -

'Jonathan Coe meets Edgar Allen Poe.'Esquire -

'By the end I was appalled by the extent of my own admiration for this nastily comic tale. This comedy is not so much black as draped in sackcloth and ashes.'Bel Mooney, The Times -

'Indecently funny. Few novels are as lively as this.'Christopher Bray, Mail on Sunday -